anthurium scherzerianum " amaretti"

anthurium scherzerianum " amaretti"

almost orange

Catalog number:
  • anthurium scherzerianum " amaretti"

Best is a bright spot, but not full sun. Okay higher humidity and the temperature is always above 16 C.

This anthuriums requires permeable soil composed of coarse-grained soils and bark and bark. In summer, it consumes a larger amount of water which is dependent on the size of the plant. Winter watering and fertilizing should be much more careful. Organic fertilizer is preferable. Eg. Organoferm (heat-treated manure), together with the acidic fertilizer eg. On azaleas. Frequent misting is always worthwhile. Beware of red spider mite.

The plant is among the most durable of the House of anthuriums and we recommend it to even novice growers.

We supply plants that bloom or bloom.