Pineapple lucidus

Pineapple lucidus

Pineapple lucidus

Catalog number:
  • ananas lucidus
  • ananas lucidus

Ananas lucidus is a form of ornamental pineapple with brown leaves and ornamental fruit that will last a very long time on the plant (often used in cut flowers). It likes full sun or bright place. But i can tolerate shady place, then much slower growing. Room temperature all year round.

Watering should always follow after desiccation. Loam soil. At the time of the presence of fetal fertilize fertilizer every week on fruits and flowers. After odplození main rosette dies and begin to grow in subsidiaries side of the head.

recommended because pineapple is very unassuming. Usually young plants rosette diameter of about 15 cm.