strelitzia nicolai

strelitzia nicolai

strelitzia nicolai

Catalog number:

Birds of paradise requires full sun or light shade. Room temperature in summer, autumn - December above 10 C. Offered white flowering variant has generally larger leaves and flowers. The leaves grow into a fan and produces more flowers in the leaf axils.

Watering proportionate to the size of the plant. Fertilizing every week during the summer. Fertilizer common in fruits and flowers. Substrate should be very humic, you can use well-composted soil or floral substrate, we recommend admixture horn. We bet straight into larger containers, Birds of paradise does not like frequent repotting. The height of the winter garden can reach up to 2 m and more. It blooms from December until spring at a temperature of about 18 C.

Although it is great to larger flats are quite useful, almost does not suffer from pests and large leaves are still very decorative. Growing quite rapidly.

We supply plants about 30-50cm and bigger.