Phalaenopsis mini yellow leaf edge

Phalaenopsis mini yellow leaf edge

Phalaenopsis mini yellow leaf edge

Catalog number:
  • phalaenopsis mini se žlutým okrajem listu

We offer an attractive low mini variety, which has a yellow leaf margin. Location on the bright location out of direct sunlight. Room temperature all year round. Suitable north window. Watering normal, soft water, occasionally let the substrate dry. Soil special orchid. Fertilize every three weeks orchid fertilizer. We recommend using Organoferm (heat-treated manure) - responds well to organic manure. Do not damage the aerial roots.

Remove - When flowering scape under the original first flower, very often from the rest of the stem grows more květonosná offshoot. Reliably nakvétá. Recommended as one of the most rewarding houseplants.

We supply adult plant in mid-June with a flower.