Aucuba japonica "rozannie"

Aucuba japonica "rozannie"

Aucuba japonica "rozannie"

Catalog number:
  • aucuba japonica "rozannie"

Aucuba plant is a broad spectrum. Worse tolerate direct sun outside, but lasts. Tolerate a shaded and relatively cool place. Grows best on diffuse strong light to 20 C. It is particularly suitable for corridors and general household entrances, potted plant can withstand mild frost. Summered is very appropriate.

Watering and fertilization are common, due to the rapid growth needs more space. Slightly acidic soil. Place a - if Aucuba our conditions in a protected courtyard and vacant land, hibernates without loss of leaves. Winter temperature for plants in pots is ideal 4 -5 C.

very durable Aucuba tolerate even cigarette smoke and fire.

Available in sizes viz. Photo.